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webpackEmptyAsyncContext(req) {\n\t// Here Promise.resolve().then() is used instead of new Promise() to prevent\n\t// uncaught exception popping up in devtools\n\treturn Promise.resolve().then(function() {\n\t\tvar e = new Error(\"Cannot find module '\" + req + \"'\");\n\t\te.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';\n\t\tthrow e;\n\t});\n}\nwebpackEmptyAsyncContext.keys = function() { return []; };\nwebpackEmptyAsyncContext.resolve = webpackEmptyAsyncContext;\nmodule.exports = webpackEmptyAsyncContext;\nwebpackEmptyAsyncContext.id = \"./src/$$_lazy_route_resource lazy recursive\";","import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\r\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\r\nimport { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';\r\nimport { HomeComponent } from './components/home/home.component';\r\nimport { AboutComponent } from './components/about/about.component';\r\nimport { PrivacyPolicyComponent } from './components/privacy-policy/privacy-policy.component';\r\nimport { CareerComponent } from './components/career/career.component';\r\nimport { TermsAndConditionsPersonalComponent } from './components/terms-and-conditions-personal/terms-and-conditions-personal.component';\r\n\r\nconst routes: Routes = [\r\n { path: \"\", redirectTo: \"/\", pathMatch: \"full\" },\r\n { path: \"\", component: HomeComponent },\r\n { path: \"about\", component: AboutComponent },\r\n { path: \"career\", component: CareerComponent },\r\n { path: \"privacy-policy\", component: PrivacyPolicyComponent },\r\n { path: \"privacy-policy\", component: PrivacyPolicyComponent },\r\n { path: \"terms-and-conditions-personal\", component: TermsAndConditionsPersonalComponent }\r\n];\r\n\r\n@NgModule({\r\n declarations: [],\r\n imports: [\r\n CommonModule,\r\n RouterModule.forRoot(routes)\r\n ],\r\n exports: [RouterModule]\r\n})\r\nexport class AppRoutingModule { }\r\n","module.exports = \"\\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbXSwibmFtZXMiOltdLCJtYXBwaW5ncyI6IiIsImZpbGUiOiJzcmMvYXBwL2FwcC5jb21wb25lbnQuY3NzIn0= */\"","module.exports = \"\\r\\n\\r\\n
\\r\\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ducimus optio earum vero, aspernatur minus blanditiis soluta maiores quidem quis dolores provident nobis consequuntur! Doloribus animi ea, sunt minus, dolorem laboriosam.\\r\\n
\\r\\nCashBaba is an e-Wallet and Online Payment Gateway service of Recursion FinTech Limited. Recursion FinTech Limited is the first Licensed Payment Service Provider of Bangladesh with PCI-DSS and ISO-27001 Compliance Certification along with EMVCo Standard. The aim is to provide Digital Payments more securely and most efficiently for our customers. Digital Money is more secure than in safe.
\\r\\n\\r\\n We are licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bangladesh as a Payment Service Provider (PSP) according to \\\"Bangladesh Payment and Settlement Systems Regulation-2014 (BPSSR-2014)”\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Everyone claims they are the most secure payment platform. But we are the only PCI-DSS Certified Payment Service Provider in Bangladesh. The highest level of security certification for the industry.\\r\\n\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n With the goal to avoid the financial penalties and losses associated with data breaches, protect and enhance our reputation and comply with business, legal, contractual and regulatory requirements.\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Cash Baba is an intelligent payment system. Through this application customers are able to access their bank accounts, credit/debit card or MFS account.\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customers can top up money to his wallet very easily via net banking, credit card/debit card or from MFS account. This application saves customers from the hassle .\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Users of cash Baba have the freedom to transact whenever and wherever they want. They don’t have to be physically present to conduct a transaction .\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customer can manage recurring payments with customizable scheduling features. It auto pays the bill from the wallet balance on a pre-determined date.\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customers can top up money to his wallet very easily via net banking,\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customers can top up money to his wallet very easily via net banking,\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customers can top up money to his wallet very easily via net banking,\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customers can top up money to his wallet very easily via net banking,\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customers can top up money to his wallet very easily via net banking,\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customers can top up money to his wallet very easily via net banking,\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customers can top up money to his wallet very easily via net banking,\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Customers can top up money to his wallet very easily via net banking,\\r\\n
\\r\\nSI. | \\r\\nDescription | \\r\\nAmount | \\r\\n
1. | \\r\\nMaximum balance at any point of time | \\r\\n50,000,000 BDT | \\r\\n
2. | \\r\\nTop up through any channel per transaction | \\r\\n10,000,000 BDT | \\r\\n
3. | \\r\\nThrough Debit Cards | \\r\\n10,000,000 BDT | \\r\\n
4. | \\r\\nTotal reload in a month | \\r\\n50,000,000 BDT | \\r\\n
5. | \\r\\n\\r\\n Total transactions \\r\\n - Daily limit \\r\\n - Monthly limit\\r\\n | \\r\\n 50,000,000 BDT 100,000,000 BDT | \\r\\n
6. | \\r\\n\\r\\n Fund transfer (Transfer to Account) \\r\\n - Per transaction limit \\r\\n - Daily limit \\r\\n - Monthly limit\\r\\n | \\r\\n 5,000,000 BDT 50,000,000 BDT 100,000,000 BDT | \\r\\n
7. | \\r\\nCash out at ATM per transaction | \\r\\n2000,000 BDT | \\r\\n
SI. | \\r\\nDescription of Service Charge | \\r\\nService Charge | \\r\\n
1. | \\r\\nTop up to e-Wallet | \\r\\nFree | \\r\\n
2. | \\r\\nPayment Through QR Code | \\r\\nFree | \\r\\n
3. | \\r\\nService charges on Bank transfer (Cash transferred to bank account) | \\r\\nBDT 25 or 1% | \\r\\n
4. | \\r\\nService charges on Online Payment Through E-Wallet | \\r\\nFree | \\r\\n
5. | \\r\\nBill Payment | \\r\\nBDT 25 or 1% | \\r\\n
6. | \\r\\nWithdraw | \\r\\n1% | \\r\\n
7. | \\r\\nThrough Bank | \\r\\n1% | \\r\\n
8. | \\r\\nCredit Card Payment | \\r\\n1% | \\r\\n
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
\\r\\nEmployment Type: Full-Time
\\r\\n\\r\\n The Head of Technical & Product will be responsible for leading the technology and product development of a licensed PSP in Bangladesh.\\r\\n This role requires expertise in payment systems, fintech product innovation, API integrations, compliance with Bangladesh Bank regulations,\\r\\n and cybersecurity. \\r\\n The individual will ensure that the PSP's technology infrastructure is secure, scalable, and aligned with \\r\\n regulatory requirements while driving digital payment innovation.\\r\\n
\\r\\nMarch 15, 2025
\\r\\nsaif.islam@cashbaba.com.bd or \\r\\n noureen.amin@cashbaba.com.bd
\\r\\nLocation: Dhaka, Bangladesh
\\r\\nEmployment Type: Full-Time
\\r\\n\\r\\n The Head of Business will be responsible for driving growth, strategy, and market expansion for the PSP.\\r\\n This role requires a dynamic leader to spearhead merchant acquisition,\\r\\n forge strategic partnerships, and scale transaction volumes while ensuring regulatory compliance. \\r\\n The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of digital payments, banking integrations, and \\r\\n fintech trends in Bangladesh.\\r\\n
\\r\\nMarch 15, 2025
\\r\\nsaif.islam@cashbaba.com.bd or \\r\\n noureen.amin@cashbaba.com.bd
\\r\\nLocation: Dhaka, Bangladesh
\\r\\nEmployment Type: Full-Time
\\r\\n\\r\\n The Business Development Executive / Senior Business Development Executive will be responsible for\\r\\n driving merchant acquisition, building strategic partnerships, and \\r\\n increasing transaction volumes for the PSP. The role demands a proactive individual\\r\\n with a strong understanding of digital payments,\\r\\n fintech trends, and banking integrations in Bangladesh.\\r\\n
\\r\\nsaif.islam@cashbaba.com.bd or \\r\\n noureen.amin@cashbaba.com.bd
\\r\\nLocation: Dhaka, Bangladesh
\\r\\nEmployment Type: Full-Time
\\r\\n\\r\\n The Partnership Manager will be responsible for identifying, developing, and managing strategic partnerships with corporate clients and banks to drive business growth. This role requires a strong network, exceptional relationship management skills, and a deep understanding of the digital payments landscape in Bangladesh.\\r\\n
\\r\\nsaif.islam@cashbaba.com.bd or \\r\\n noureen.amin@cashbaba.com.bd
\\r\\nLocation: Dhaka, Bangladesh
\\r\\nEmployment Type: Full-Time
\\r\\n\\r\\n The Finance & Accounts Manager will be responsible for overseeing financial operations, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, and driving financial planning and analysis. This role requires a detail-oriented professional with strong expertise in financial management, accounting principles, and taxation laws in Bangladesh.\\r\\n
\\r\\nsaif.islam@cashbaba.com.bd or \\r\\n noureen.amin@cashbaba.com.bd
\\r\\nCashBaba is an e-Wallet and Online Payment Gateway service of Recursion FinTech\\r\\n Limited. Recursion FinTech Limited is the first Licensed Payment Service Provider of Bangladesh with PCI-DSS\\r\\n and ISO-27001 Compliance Certification along with EMVCo Standard. The aim is to provide Digital Payments more\\r\\n securely and most efficiently for our customers. Digital Money is more secure than in safe.
\\r\\n\\r\\n We are licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bangladesh as a Payment Service Provider (PSP)\\r\\n according to \\\"Bangladesh Payment and Settlement Systems Regulation-2014 (BPSSR-2014)”\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Everyone claims they are the most secure payment platform. But we are the only PCI-DSS Certified Payment\\r\\n Service Provider in Bangladesh. The highest level of security certification for the industry.\\r\\n\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n With the goal to avoid the financial penalties and losses associated with data breaches, protect and enhance\\r\\n our reputation and comply with business, legal, contractual and regulatory requirements.\\r\\n
\\r\\nRecharge your mobile from the app
\\r\\nAdd money from your bank or card
\\r\\nTransfer money to family or friends
\\r\\nPay without sharing card info
\\r\\nWithdraw money from wallet to bank
\\r\\nPay your utility bill and set recurring payment
\\r\\nPay your education tuition fee
\\r\\nPay your internet bill
\\r\\nRun your business and accept payment from all major card brands online or from your point of sale\\r\\n using the PCI-DSS Certified Platform and EMVCo QR & NFC Payment Solution at least with flexibility\\r\\n of fund management.
\\r\\n\\r\\n Download the app, Choose your username and password, Verify your mobile and email.\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Scan your NID front and NID back from the app. Capture your picture from the app.\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Provide your business documents like eTIN, Trade License, Certificate of Incorporation if\\r\\n applicable.\\r\\n
\\r\\nCashBaba enables you to manage your funds without going to Banks or Agents of Financial\\r\\n Institutes. Bring Money from any platform, send money to any platform and do online and POS\\r\\n shopping without your cash or cards
\\r\\n\\r\\n Download the app, Choose your username and password, Verify your mobile and email.\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Scan your NID front and NID back from the app. Capture your picture from the app.\\r\\n
\\r\\n\\r\\n Provide your personal information and address to complete your profile and start transaction\\r\\n instantly.\\r\\n
\\r\\nRun your business and accept payment from all major card brands online or from your point of sale using\\r\\n the PCI-DSS Certified Platform and EMVCo QR & NFC Payment Solution at least with flexibility of fund\\r\\n management.
\\r\\n Read More\\r\\nCashBaba enables you to manage your funds without going to Banks or Agents of Financial Institutes. Bring\\r\\n Money from any platform, send money to any platform and do online and POS shopping without your cash or\\r\\n cards
\\r\\n Read More\\r\\n\\r\\n We respect the right to privacy of our accountholders. Our privacy policy ensures that we protect the trust\\r\\n you place in us when you provide us with your personal or business information. Keeping accountholder\\r\\n information secure, and using it only as our accountholders would want us to, is a top priority for all of\\r\\n us.\\r\\n This Privacy Policy was updated on 23rd of September 2019 and is effective immediately to all users of\\r\\n CashBaba.\\r\\n
\\r\\nThe information we collect is information that is mandatory by the regulator to perform our services and offer our products to you. During the registration process, we may collect the following information from you:
\\r\\nWe may automatically collect personal or business information through your use of the App. This information includes:
\\r\\nWe use information held about you in the following ways:
\\r\\nFrom time to time, we may use your information to contact you with details about our products and services which we feel may be of interest to you.
\\r\\nYou have the right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes. If you wish not to be contacted by us and/or our 3rd parties’ partners, you can send us an email with your request to support@cashbaba.com.bd.
\\r\\n\\r\\nThe security and confidentiality of personal or business information about you is our priority. We protect this information by maintaining physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that meet applicable law and compliance. We train our employees in the proper handling of this information. When we use other companies to provide services for us, we require them to protect the confidentiality of your information they receive.
\\r\\nIf you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us of the problem by contacting us at support@cashbaba.com.bd.
\\r\\n\\r\\nFrom time to time, we may change this Privacy Policy. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as of the effective date listed above.
\\r\\n\\r\\nCashBaba complies with PCI DSS and the data protection laws in Bangladesh. It takes all reasonable care to prevent any unauthorized access to your personal data.
\\r\\nAt times, as a part of providing you with our products and services and the management and/or operation of the same, we may be required or need to disclose your information with certain classes of third parties. Data shared will be for the purpose as stated in this privacy statement, or purposes not stated but directly related to the primary purpose of collection.
\\r\\nThe classes of third parties that CashBaba may divulge the personal or business information of its accountholders are as follows:
\\r\\nRFTL takes precautions including administrative, technical and physical measures to safeguard your personal or business information against loss, theft and misuse, as well as against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. Furthermore, we intend to protect your information and to maintain its accuracy.
\\r\\n\\r\\nOur website creates a “cookie” when you first register online. A “cookie” is a piece of information, like a tag, which contains some basic information which helps us to identify if you have visited the site before and if you have provided us with some personalized content such as welcoming you by name if you have supplied this in a previous visit. However, as it is based on your PC, we will not find the “cookie” if you visit our website from a different PC to the one you registered on. The use of “cookies” includes the following assurances:
\\r\\nIf you do not want a “cookie” to be created on your PC, web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome provide the option to disable it.
\\r\\n\\r\\nTo make sure your personal or business information is secure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to our employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.
\\r\\n\\r\\nBy using the app and/or by providing your information, you consent to the collection and use of the information you disclose on the app in accordance with this Privacy Policy, including but not limited to your consent for sharing your information as per this privacy policy.
\\r\\n\\r\\nIf you have any question or concern, please call us at +8801847188888 or email us at support@cashbaba.com.bd.
\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\nTerms and\\r\\n Conditions (Personal Account)
\\r\\nBy clicking on the "Terms and\\r\\n Conditions" checkbox and after successfully completing the registration process of CashBaba for a\\r\\n Customer Account, you are stating that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by these Terms and\\r\\n Conditions of Service ("T&Cs"), which are not subject to negotiation.
\\r\\nThe following words and expressions\\r\\n shall have the corresponding meanings wherever appropriate.
\\r\\n“APP” shall mean the CashBaba\\r\\n e-wallet application available in iOS, android in smart phone/tab devices and web version.
\\r\\n“Company” means Recursion FinTech\\r\\n Limited, the service provider of CashBaba.
\\r\\n“e-Wallet” or digital wallet shall\\r\\n mean a mobile or online based app where user securely contain or maintain their physical money\\r\\n electronically.
\\r\\n“e-Wallet Holder” means the person or\\r\\n business/merchant who is the owner of CashBaba e-wallet.
\\r\\n“Device ID”\\r\\n means fingerprints or PIN or pattern generated by the device user, able to be used to identify the\\r\\n valid user. It can be used as the user identity to access the CashBaba e-wallet.
\\r\\n“ISO 9001 certified” means an\\r\\n organization has met the requirements in ISO 9001 standard. It defines specifies requirements for a\\r\\n quality management system (QMS). Recursion FinTech Limited is an ISO 9001 certified company.
\\r\\n“ISO 27001 certified” means an\\r\\n organization has met the requirements in ISO 27001 standard. It defines the international standard\\r\\n that describes best practice for an information security management system. Recursion FinTech Limited\\r\\n is an ISO 27001 certified company.
\\r\\n“Mobile Phone Number” shall mean\\r\\n the Mobile number that is used to register for the CashBaba e- wallet which will also be used as\\r\\n username to login to the e-wallet by the account holder.
\\r\\n“OTP” shall mean One Time\\r\\n Password, which is used to authorize a transaction/activity provided by mobile and web app.
\\r\\n“Oops” error message in the\\r\\n transaction if something goes wrong.
\\r\\n“Password” shall mean a string of\\r\\n characters that allows the users access to personal CashBaba wallet account
\\r\\n“PCI DSS certified” shall mean the\\r\\n organization that met the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. It is a set of international\\r\\n security standards designed to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store or transmit\\r\\n credit card information maintain a secure environment. Recursion FinTech Limited is a PCI DSS\\r\\n certified organization.
\\r\\n“PIN” shall mean\\r\\n 4 digits Personal Identification Number (password) for the e-Wallet Service.
\\r\\n“Product” shall mean e-Wallet\\r\\n Service provided to the e-Wallet holder.
\\r\\n“PSP license” shall mean the\\r\\n license for Payment Service Provider issued by the central Bank of Bangladesh. Recursion FinTech\\r\\n Limited is a PSP license holder issued and authorized by Bangladesh Bank.
\\r\\n“QR Code” (quick response code)\\r\\n means a type of 2D bar code containing the credentials of merchants or individuals that is used to\\r\\n provide easy access to information through a smartphone
\\r\\n“Transaction”\\r\\n shall mean the mode of payment whether paid or received or transferred or withdrawn.
\\r\\n“We” is referred to as CashBaba.\\r\\n
\\r\\nNo person is entitled to use the\\r\\n CashBaba e-wallet without proper understanding hereby agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of the\\r\\n Service. By using the CashBaba e-wallet, the you thereby agree and give consent to these Terms and\\r\\n Conditions, which form the contract between you and CashBaba. CashBaba shall be governed by such\\r\\n existing terms and conditions and also by amendments made to the same from time to time. These terms and\\r\\n conditions shall be in addition to and not in derogation of other terms and conditions relating to any\\r\\n of your account and/or the respective product or the service provided by CashBaba unless otherwise\\r\\n specifically stated.
\\r\\nIssue of personal e-wallet is governed\\r\\n by CashBaba Policy. The following Business rules will apply to your personal account.
\\r\\nThe product\\r\\n will be available to applicants having a valid Mobile number, photo identity proof (NID or\\r\\n passport), more than 18 years of age, address proof, and a bank account with a schedule bank in\\r\\n Bangladesh.
\\r\\nYou agree and\\r\\n understand that you can have only one e-Wallet with CashBaba.
\\r\\nThe transaction limits are added\\r\\n as Annexure A.
\\r\\nThree consecutive failed login\\r\\n attempts will block your account for next three hours unless you contact us and verify your details.\\r\\n After the verification, you have to reset/ generate a new Password.
\\r\\nAny change in the business rules\\r\\n or any of the processes will be notified on CashBaba’s website and this will be construed as\\r\\n sufficient notice to you. No further notice will be provided through any other media.
\\r\\nCashBaba\\r\\n reserves the right to reject your request without explaining any reason.
\\r\\nCashBaba may deactivate the\\r\\n account for transactions, if the same has not been accessed by you for more than 6 (six) months\\r\\n and will be called as dormant e-Wallet/Limited e-Wallet. If the e-Wallet has not been\\r\\n re-activated within next 1 (one) month of the dormancy period, the balance will be forfeited\\r\\n and your e-wallet account will be deactivated. You can reactivate suspended/dormant e- Wallet as per\\r\\n the procedure laid down for the same.
\\r\\nYou can request for termination\\r\\n of the e-wallet as per the procedure laid down for the same.
\\r\\nYou shall remain accountable for\\r\\n all the transactions, transactions disputes or fees outstanding on the e-Wallet made prior to\\r\\n confirmation of any such cancellation request to CashBaba.
\\r\\nIt shall be the CashBaba’s\\r\\n endeavor to give a reasonable notice for Limited or termination of the E- Wallet, but CashBaba may\\r\\n at its discretion limited temporarily or terminate the e-wallet, either wholly or partially, anytime\\r\\n without giving prior notice to you.
\\r\\nThe e-wallet\\r\\n may be dormant/limited for any maintenance or repair work for any breakdown in the Hardware/\\r\\n Software related to CashBaba, any emergency or security reasons without prior notice and CashBaba\\r\\n shall not be liable if such an action has to be taken for such reasons.
\\r\\nCashBaba may also terminate or\\r\\n suspend or limit the services under the e-wallet without prior notice if you violate the terms and\\r\\n conditions laid down by CashBaba.
\\r\\nThe e-wallet\\r\\n is “non-transferable”.
\\r\\nNo interest shall be payable on\\r\\n the balance available in e-wallet.
\\r\\nBy accepting the terms and conditions,\\r\\n you:
\\r\\nAuthorize CashBaba for all\\r\\n transactions/services undertaken by using Password, PIN or fingerprints and OTPs.
\\r\\nAgree to use the services\\r\\n offered under the Product using the PIN in accordance with the procedure as laid down by CashBaba\\r\\n from time to time, including the terms and conditions contained herein.
\\r\\nAgree to keep the PIN and OTPs\\r\\n confidential and will not disclose these to any other person or will not record them in a way that\\r\\n would compromise the confidentiality of the same or the security of the service.
\\r\\nAgree that you are aware and\\r\\n accept that CashBaba e-wallet will enable you to transact using PIN/OTPs within the limit prescribed\\r\\n by the Bangladesh Bank.
\\r\\nAgree that the transactions\\r\\n originated using the mobile phones or web app are non-retractable as these are real time\\r\\n transactions.
\\r\\nUnderstand and explicitly agree\\r\\n that CashBaba has the absolute right to revise the prescribed ceilings prescribed by Bangladesh Bank\\r\\n and charges from time to time which will be binding upon you.
\\r\\nAll the transaction through\\r\\n CashBaba will be in BDT currency.
\\r\\nAgree to use the product\\r\\n properly and validly registered in your name and undertake to use the wallet only through mobile\\r\\n phone number or via online which has been used to register for the e- wallet.
\\r\\nExpressly authorize CashBaba to\\r\\n carry out all requests/ transactions purporting to have been received from your registered number\\r\\n and authenticated with PIN/OTPs. In the case of payment facilities like add money, fund transfer,\\r\\n mobile top up, bill payment, purchase, withdraw etc., you shall be deemed to have expressly\\r\\n authorized CashBaba to make the payment when a request is received from you.
\\r\\nAccept that any valid\\r\\n transaction originating from your registered number shall be assumed to have been initiated by you\\r\\n and any transaction authorized by the PIN/OTPs is duly and legally authorized by you.
\\r\\nAgree to keep yourself updated\\r\\n with regard to any information/modification relating to the services offered which would be\\r\\n publicized on CashBaba’s websites or notification sent on the CashBaba app and would be responsible\\r\\n for taking note of/compliance of such information/ modifications in making use of the Product.
\\r\\nIt is mandatory that\\r\\n we follow strict guideline of Bangladesh Bank for KYC. Hence, you are authorizing CashBaba to make any\\r\\n inquiry we consider necessary to validate your identity. This may include asking you for further\\r\\n information, requiring you to provide your date of birth, mother’s name, father’s name, address and\\r\\n other information that will allow us to reasonably identify you, requiring you to take steps to confirm\\r\\n ownership of your email address or financial instruments. We also ask to see your NID, driver’s license,\\r\\n passport or other identifying documents at any time. CashBaba reserves the right to close, suspend, or\\r\\n limit access to your CashBaba account and/or the CashBaba services in the event we are unable to obtain\\r\\n or verify this information.
\\r\\nPassword must have the following\\r\\n characteristics:
\\r\\nAt least one (1) lowercase\\r\\n letter
\\r\\nAt least one (1) digit
\\r\\nMinimum length must be six (6)\\r\\n characters
\\r\\nMaximum length cannot be more\\r\\n than fifteen 15 characters
\\r\\nIncase of 3\\r\\n unsuccessful attempts with wrong password, your account access will be disabled. Please contact our\\r\\n customer care for assistance.
\\r\\n\\r\\n Incase of changing the password, new passwords cannot be the same as the four previously used\\r\\n passwords.
\\r\\nForce log out time\\r\\n period-
\\r\\nWeb- 5 mins
\\r\\nAndroid & iOS\\r\\n Application- 3 mins
\\r\\nPasswords must not\\r\\n be inserted into email messages or other forms of electronic communication.
\\r\\nPassword Protection Standards
\\r\\nDo not use previously used password\\r\\n for CashBaba account. Password is case sensitive and confidential CashBaba information.
\\r\\nHere is a list of\\r\\n "don’ts":
\\r\\nDon't reveal a password\\r\\n over the phone to ANYONE even our Call center
\\r\\nDon't send user’s password\\r\\n through email
\\r\\nDon't talk/type password in\\r\\n front of others
\\r\\nDon't share a password with\\r\\n family members
\\r\\nYou shall be required to\\r\\n acquaint yourself with the process for using the Product and that you shall be responsible for any\\r\\n error made while using the Product.
\\r\\nCashBaba\\r\\n reserves the right to decide what services may be offered. Additions/ deletions to the services\\r\\n offered under the product are at its sole discretion.
\\r\\nYour\\r\\n instructions shall be affected only after authentication under your Registered number and PIN or\\r\\n through any other mode of verification as may be stipulated at the discretion of CashBaba.
\\r\\nWhile it shall\\r\\n be the endeavor of CashBaba to carry out the instructions received from you promptly, it shall not\\r\\n be responsible for the delay/ failure in carrying out the instructions due to any reasons whatsoever\\r\\n including failure of operational system or due to any requirement of law. You expressly authorize\\r\\n CashBaba to access your e-wallet information required for offering features under the service and\\r\\n also to share the information regarding your e-Wallet with the service provider/ third party as may\\r\\n be required to provide the services.
\\r\\nThe\\r\\n transactional details will be recorded by CashBaba and these records will be regarded as conclusive\\r\\n proof of the authenticity and accuracy of transactions.
\\r\\nYou hereby\\r\\n authorize CashBaba or its representatives to send promotional messages including the products,\\r\\n greetings, advertising or any other messages CashBaba may consider from time to time.
\\r\\nYou understand\\r\\n that CashBaba may send “oops”, "rejection" or "cannot process the request"\\r\\n messages for the service requested by you which could not be executed for any reason.
\\r\\nCashBaba shall\\r\\n make all reasonable efforts to ensure that your information is kept confidential but shall not be\\r\\n responsible for any inadvertent divulgence or leakage of confidential information for reasons beyond\\r\\n its control or by action of any third party.
\\r\\nThe transaction fees are added as\\r\\n Annexure B.
\\r\\nAny Fees and\\r\\n other amounts due and payable to CashBaba under the Agreement may be deducted from your e-wallet\\r\\n with or without notice. Such deductions may be made at any time, and without notifying you, but\\r\\n these will be reflected in the transaction history of your e-wallet.
\\r\\nWe will be entitled to set off\\r\\n and/or deduct from any payment due to you, such payments that are subsequently determined to be not\\r\\n due and/or wrongly paid to you.
\\r\\nIt is your responsibility to\\r\\n provide correct information to CashBaba through the use of the Product or any other method. In case\\r\\n of any discrepancy in this information, you understand that CashBaba will not be in any way\\r\\n responsible for action taken based on the information. CashBaba will endeavor to correct the error\\r\\n promptly wherever possible on a best effort basis, if you report such error in information.
\\r\\nIf you receive\\r\\n information about another CashBaba customer, you must keep the information confidential and only use\\r\\n it in connection with the CashBaba services. You may not disclose or distribute any information\\r\\n about CashBaba users to a third party or use the information for marketing purposes unless you\\r\\n receive that user’s express consent to do so. You may not send unsolicited emails to a CashBaba\\r\\n customer or use the CashBaba services to collect payments for sending, or assist in sending,\\r\\n unsolicited emails to third parties.
\\r\\nWe are not\\r\\n responsible for any loss or damage you suffered as a result of providing wrong information.
\\r\\nIn case of\\r\\n providing inaccurate or incorrect information to us, we may immediately limit or suspend or close\\r\\n your account and refuse to provide our Services to you.
\\r\\nIn case of any\\r\\n authorized regulatory body’s involvement or order, we are bound to provide information to them for\\r\\n any kind of investigation or may even freeze your account until such investigation is resolved.
\\r\\nIf you have a CashBaba balance, you may\\r\\n withdraw your money by:
\\r\\nTransferring it to a\\r\\n bank account linked to your CashBaba account
\\r\\nThrough ATM
\\r\\n11.1 If you want to claim a chargeback,\\r\\n you have to raise a ticket through the application mentioning the reason. These reasons offer an explanation\\r\\n as to why you are disputing the transaction. Each reason has its own set of rules (filing time limits,\\r\\n necessary documentation, etc.). CashBaba will check the customer’s chargeback claim, making sure all the\\r\\n regulations have been addressed.
\\r\\nIf you have a valid\\r\\n claim, the funds will be removed from the merchant’s wallet account and credited to yours. If it is not a\\r\\n valid claim, the chargeback will be voided.
\\r\\nIf the chargeback is\\r\\n justified, the merchant may be forced to accept the losses. However, if the business has sufficient\\r\\n compelling evidence (documentation to prove the chargeback is invalid), the merchant can re-present the\\r\\n chargeback for review. If a chargeback process is successful it will auto reconcile your account, CashBaba\\r\\n and Merchant. Merchant will be liable to pay the fees associated with disputed transaction.
\\r\\n11.2. If you want to\\r\\n return a purchase or want to refund for non-delivery items it will be followed by the merchant’s prescribed\\r\\n terms and conditions. If the merchant finds the request valid as per his/her business policy, he will\\r\\n initiate the refund through the application. Merchant will be liable to pay the fees associated with\\r\\n transaction amount.
\\r\\nIn case of\\r\\n Refund/Chargeback, the money will be refunded to the original payment method you used for the\\r\\n transaction such as- a debit card, credit card, or CashBaba account.
\\r\\nIf we receive a request for\\r\\n Refund/chargeback of payment, the dispute resolution process will be followed and it will vary case to\\r\\n case.
\\r\\nWe will not be\\r\\n liable to you for any refund/Chargeback not initiated through CashBaba.
\\r\\nYou shall be responsible for all\\r\\n transactions, including unauthorized/ erroneous/ wrong/ incorrect/ mistaken/false transactions\\r\\n initiated through CashBaba, mobile number and PIN; regardless of whether such transactions are\\r\\n authorized by you. You will also be responsible for the loss/damage, if any suffered in respect of all\\r\\n such transactions.
\\r\\nYou shall take\\r\\n all possible steps to ensure that the PIN, Password and OTPs are not shared with any unauthorized\\r\\n person and shall contact CashBaba customer care center in case of misuse/ theft/loss of the mobile\\r\\n phone.
\\r\\nIt will be your\\r\\n responsibility to notify CashBaba immediately if you suspect the misuse of the PIN/Password.
\\r\\nYou shall be\\r\\n liable for all loss or breach of the terms and conditions contained herein or contributed or caused\\r\\n the loss by negligent actions or a failure to advise CashBaba within a reasonable time about any\\r\\n unauthorized access in the Wallet.
\\r\\nCashBaba, when acting in good faith,\\r\\n shall be absolved of any liability in case:
\\r\\nCashBaba is\\r\\n unable to receive or execute any of the requests from you when there is loss of information during\\r\\n processing or transmission or any unauthorized access by any other person or breach of\\r\\n confidentiality or due to reasons beyond the control of the CashBaba.
\\r\\nThere is any\\r\\n kind of loss, direct or indirect, incurred by you or any other person due to any failure or lapse\\r\\n in the product which are beyond the control of the CashBaba.
\\r\\nThere is any\\r\\n failure or delay in transmitting of information or there is any error or inaccuracy of information\\r\\n or any other consequence arising from any cause beyond the control of CashBaba which may include\\r\\n technology failure, mechanical breakdown, power disruption, etc.
\\r\\nThere is any\\r\\n lapse or failure on the part of the service providers or any third party affecting the said\\r\\n Product and that CashBaba makes no warranty as to the quality of the service provided by any such\\r\\n provider.
\\r\\nCashBaba and its\\r\\n employees shall not be liable for and in respect of any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or\\r\\n consequential, including but not limited to loss of revenue, profit, business, contracts, anticipated\\r\\n savings or goodwill, loss of use or value of any equipment including software, whether foreseeable or\\r\\n not, suffered by you or any person howsoever arising from or relating to any delay, interruption,\\r\\n suspension, resolution or error of CashBaba in receiving and processing the request and in formulating\\r\\n and returning responses or any failure, delay, interruption, suspension, restriction, or error in\\r\\n transmission of any information or message to and from the telecommunication equipment and the network\\r\\n of any service provider and CashBaba’s system or any breakdown, interruption, suspension or failure of\\r\\n the telecommunication equipment, CashBaba’s system or the network of any service provider and/or any\\r\\n third party who provides such services as is necessary to provide the Product.
\\r\\nCashBaba will not\\r\\n be responsible if the e-wallet application is not compatible with/ does not work on your mobile\\r\\n handset.
\\r\\nCashBaba will not be\\r\\n liable for any loss caused by a technical breakdown of the payment system.
\\r\\nUse of the\\r\\n e-wallet shall be terminated without notice at CashBaba’s discretion which may be upon the death,\\r\\n bankruptcy or insolvency of the E-Wallet holder or on receipt of request from the e- Wallet holder,\\r\\n receipt of an attachment order from a competent court or revenue authority, due to violation of\\r\\n CashBaba regulations, or for other valid reasons or when the whereabouts of the e- Wallet holder\\r\\n become unknown to CashBaba due to any cause attributable to the e-Wallet holder or any other reason\\r\\n which CashBaba deems fit.
\\r\\nIn consideration of CashBaba providing\\r\\n the Product, you agree to indemnify and hold CashBaba harmless against all actions, claims, demands\\r\\n proceedings, loss, damages, costs, charges and expenses which CashBaba may at any time incur, sustain,\\r\\n suffer or be put to as a consequence of or arising out of or in connection with any services provided to\\r\\n you pursuant hereto. You shall indemnify and keep indemnified
\\r\\nCashBaba for unauthorized\\r\\n access by any third party to any information/instructions/triggers given by the you or breach of\\r\\n confidentiality.
\\r\\nThe Product and the terms and\\r\\n conditions of the same are governed by the applicable laws in the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh\\r\\n such as- Bangladesh Bank regulations under PSP license, Payment and settlement act, 2014 or any\\r\\n other regulatory bodies.
\\r\\nThe following\\r\\n transactions or actions are prohibited:
\\r\\nTo use your\\r\\n e-wallet for purposes including, but not limited to, Money Laundering, fraud, terrorist financing or\\r\\n such other illegal/criminal activities.
\\r\\nTo use your\\r\\n e-Wallet to receive funds from persons or entities engaged in fraud, terrorist financing, money\\r\\n laundering, fraud or other illegal / criminal activities.
\\r\\n\\r\\n Refuse to cooperate in an investigation or provide confirmation of your identity or any other\\r\\n information provide by you to CashBaba;
\\r\\nProvide false,\\r\\n inaccurate or misleading information;
\\r\\nIf you act in\\r\\n breach or we believe that you may be acting in breach of the prohibitions contained in Clauses 16.1\\r\\n and 16.2 we reserve the right to:
\\r\\nDecline to\\r\\n perform or reverse the transaction and simultaneously limit or terminate or suspend your\\r\\n e-Wallet or forfeit your account;
\\r\\nReport the\\r\\n transaction to the relevant law enforcement agency
\\r\\nIt is\\r\\n strictly your responsibility to ensure that you only send or receive e-money from or to Persons\\r\\n or entities for the sale or supply of goods and services that you may provide or receive in\\r\\n compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. Funds that have been transferred to another\\r\\n Persons' or entity’s account does not indicate the legality of the supply or provision of\\r\\n their goods or services. It is required that you should not proceed with any transactions in the\\r\\n instance where you have any hints that the transaction is not legal.
\\r\\nCashBaba reserves the right to\\r\\n change, modify, add, or remove portions of this terms and conditions (each, a change and\\r\\n collectively, changes) at any time by posting notification on the CashBaba
\\r\\nPlatform or\\r\\n otherwise communicating the notification to you. The changes will become effective, and shall be\\r\\n deemed accepted by you, 24 hours after the initial posting and shall apply immediately on a\\r\\n going-forward basis with respect to your use of the CashBaba Platform, availing the CashBaba\\r\\n Services or for payment transactions initiated after the posting date. If you do not agree with any\\r\\n such change, your sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate your use of the CashBaba\\r\\n Services/CashBaba Platform. For certain changes, CashBaba may be required under applicable law to\\r\\n give you advance notice, and CashBaba will comply with such requirements. Your continued use of the\\r\\n CashBaba Platform following the posting of changes will mean that you accept and agree to the\\r\\n changes.
\\r\\nAny notice or\\r\\n notification in connection with these terms and conditions will be communicated through your\\r\\n registered email or via CashBaba Business App or via CashBaba official website.
\\r\\nPlease ensure\\r\\n that you read the revised terms and conditions carefully because you will be bound by the revised\\r\\n terms and conditions from the date that the automated e-mail is sent by us to your registered e-mail\\r\\n ID. We will not be liable if the automated e-mail is not received by you for any reason. Your\\r\\n continued use of the Service will be deemed to be an unconditional acceptance of the revised terms\\r\\n and conditions.
\\r\\nIf any provision of this terms and\\r\\n conditions is held to be unlawful, void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, then that provision will be\\r\\n limited or eliminated from this terms and conditions to the minimum extent required, and the remaining\\r\\n provisions will remain valid and enforceable.
\\r\\nTransaction Limit\\r\\n (Personal Wallet)
\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n Sl. No. \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Description \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Max Amount (BDT) \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n 1 \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Maximum\\r\\n balance at any point of time \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 4,00,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n 2 \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Add Money\\r\\n through any channel per transaction \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 1,00,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n 3 \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Add Money\\r\\n Per Month \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 4,00,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n 4 \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Purchase\\r\\n \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 4,00,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n 5 \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Fund\\r\\n transfer \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n - Per\\r\\n transaction limit \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 1,00,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n - Daily\\r\\n limit \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 1,00,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n - Monthly\\r\\n limit \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 4,00,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n 6 \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Withdraw to\\r\\n Bank A/C \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n - Per\\r\\n transaction limit \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 50,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n - Daily\\r\\n limit \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 1,00,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n - Monthly\\r\\n limit \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 4,00,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n 7 \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Mobile\\r\\n Recharge (Single number) \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n - Per\\r\\n transaction \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 1,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n - Daily\\r\\n limit (pre-paid) \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 3,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n - Daily\\r\\n limit (post-paid) \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 5,000 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
Note: *CashBaba\\r\\n reserves the right to change the limit structure at its discretion.
\\r\\n** Customer is\\r\\n not allowed to do any transaction (receive or transfer) before the approval of bank account.
\\r\\n\\r\\n Service \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Fee/Charge \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n Registration \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Free \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n Utility\\r\\n Bill Payment \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n BDT 10 \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n Credit Card\\r\\n Bill Payment \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 1% \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n Add Money\\r\\n from Debit/Credit Card \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 1.5% \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n Add Money\\r\\n from Bank \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Free \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n Withdraw\\r\\n Money to Bank \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n 1% \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n Send Money\\r\\n (Wallet to Wallet) \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Free \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n Receive\\r\\n Money (Wallet to Wallet) \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Free \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n Mobile\\r\\n Recharge \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Free \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n QR Code\\r\\n Purchase \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Free \\r\\n | \\r\\n
\\r\\n Transaction\\r\\n History \\r\\n | \\r\\n \\r\\n Free \\r\\n | \\r\\n
**CashBaba\\r\\n reserves the right to change the fee structure at its discretion.
\\r\\n*** Transaction fee or charges\\r\\n imposed on the customers shall be a national matter, therefore Governmental and regulatory approvals is also\\r\\n required and it will be taken care of.